By what name is the fifth state of the church addressed?


"Unto the angel of the church in Sardis write." Rev. 3: 1.
NOTE - Sardis means song of joy, or that which remains. A cause for joy at that time was the fact
that the great tribulation of the people of God was at an end. It was only as a result of the Reformation that
any of God's people were left remaining. See Matt. 24:21,22, and note under question 14. The Sardis
church continued from the close of the papal power, AD. 1798, until the beginning of the great advent
movement in 1833, which was marked by the falling of the stars on November 13 of that year, as foretold
by Christ in Matt. 24:29.

What are the Scriptures able to do for one who believes them?
How do the children of God walk?
What is the result of godly sorrow?
To whom are sinners brought by conversion?
While at the high priest's house, how did Peter deny Him?
With what do these trumpets deal?
How is their watch-care over God's people expressed?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle