What reason is given in the fourth commandment for keeping the Sabbath day holy?


"For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh
day." Ex. 20: 11.
NOTES - The Sabbath is the great memorial of creation and of God's creative power, a constant
reminder of the true and living God. God's design in making the Sabbath, and in commanding that it be
kept holy, was that man might never forget Him, the creator of all things.
"The original Sabbath being a perpetual memorial of God, the Creator calling man to imitate God
in the observance of the same, man could not keep the original Sabbath and forget God.' - Professor E. W.
Thomas, M.A., in Herald of Gospel Liberty, June 19, 1890.
When we remember that two-thirds of the world's inhabitants today are idolaters, and that since
the fall, idolatry, with its train of associated and resultant evils, has ever been a prevailing sin, and then
think that the observance of the Sabbath, as God ordained it, would have prevented all this, we can better
appreciate the value of the Sabbath institution, and the importance of Sabbath-keeping.

What is Christ to one renewed after God's image?
What testimony did the chief priests and Pharisees bear concerning Christ's work?
As He cried out in agony on the cross, and said, 9, thirst,\" what was given Him?
3. After the wise men had thus confessed their inability to do what the king required, who offered to interpret the dream?
Which commandment alone of the Decalogue reveals the true God and Author of the law?
In what was shown the first tangible evidence of this \"falling away\" from the truth of God?
What did Paul say regarding our duty to the poor?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle