Purpose of this app: for SSO, dormitory deans, college deans, teachers, counselors, guidance, etc... to monitor and help reduce absences
Teachers can report absences here -> https://a.aolis.aup.edu.ph/classattendances/

(30) Absences Today & last 30 days 2024-07-27

Date Student ID classid class description attendancemetaid
2024-07-11 2059805(1 in last 30 days)MolavB|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-11 2059765(1 in last 30 days)Waling2reg|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-11 2059574(1 in last 30 days)MolavB|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-11 2057818(1 in last 30 days)Mahogany|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-11 2057264(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-11 2057263(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PhysicsRm1| 9106
2024-07-11 2057131(1 in last 30 days)AptHSolo|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-11 2053120(2 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PhysicsRm1| 9106
2024-07-11 2043193(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World with Review|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|14:40:00|18:30:00|MathRm| 9109
2024-07-10 2049246(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PhysicsRm1| 9105
2024-07-09 2059258(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|10:45:00|12:30:00|PioneerRm3|Dapitan- lecture and class activity 9094
2024-07-09 2056881(2 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Dapitan -lecture 9095
2024-07-09 2055301(1 in last 30 days)Waling2spe|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|09:00:00|10:45:00|PioneerRm5|Rizal in Dapitan-lecture and activity 9093
2024-07-08 2058789(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|10:45:00|12:30:00|PioneerRm3|Grp6 -Noli Me Tangere 9071
2024-07-08 2058580(2 in last 30 days)IlangIlangSpe|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp7 Noli Me Tangere 9075
2024-07-08 2057245(1 in last 30 days)MolavC-Reg|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|10:45:00|12:30:00|PioneerRm3|Grp6 -Noli Me Tangere 9071
2024-07-08 2057033(1 in last 30 days)Mahogany|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp7 Noli Me Tangere 9075
2024-07-08 2056881(2 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp7 Noli Me Tangere 9075
2024-07-08 2055525(1 in last 30 days)MolavB|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|10:45:00|12:30:00|PioneerRm3|Grp6 -Noli Me Tangere 9071
2024-07-08 2053167(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PhysicsRm1| 9103
2024-07-08 2053120(2 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PhysicsRm1| 9103
2024-07-08 2051931(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|10:45:00|12:30:00|PioneerRm3|Grp6 -Noli Me Tangere 9071
2024-07-08 2050324(1 in last 30 days)Mahogany|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp7 Noli Me Tangere 9075
2024-07-08 2041355(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Mathematics in the Modern World|Bicua, Levie L|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PhysicsRm1| 9103
2024-07-08 2035279(1 in last 30 days)AptHDouble|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp7 Noli Me Tangere 9075
2024-07-03 2059333(1 in last 30 days)Waling2reg|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp3 and grp4 9065
2024-07-02 2059744(1 in last 30 days)AcaciaSpe|Human Reproduction|Pedro, Merbeth Christine Ladores|N|MTWTh|13:30:00|15:45:00|Sci-102| 9060
2024-07-02 2057994(1 in last 30 days)AptASingle|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|09:00:00|10:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp3 and Grp4 reporting 9059
2024-07-02 2035688(1 in last 30 days)non-dorm|Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal|Ytang, Feliciano |N|MTWThF|09:00:00|10:45:00|PioneerRm5|Grp3 and Grp4 reporting 9059
2024-06-27 2058580(2 in last 30 days)IlangIlangSpe|Human Reproduction|Catolico, Lester Harris |N|MTWTh|10:45:00|12:30:00|Sci-102| 9044
Last refreshed: Sat Jul 27 08:11:20 PHT 2024