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📽 After this exercise, I spoke a short time to the church in Boulder on Sabbath afternoon. {18MR 376.3} 18MR 376.3 21.01pts

📽 We had a large profitable meeting on Sabbath. The tent was filled, and a number of people stood on the outside. This afternoon I spoke to a large company. {PC 241.4} PC 241.4 21.01pts

📽 Southampton, England, July 9, 1887. I spoke to the little church on Sabbath afternoon. It was very warm. Had some freedom in speaking. We had a social meeting. {2MR 142.3} 2MR 142.3 21.01pts

📽 Sunday, June 5, 1859. Went to the tent for meeting. . . . The tent was well filled. . . . J. N. Andrews preached in the afternoon upon the Sabbath, or rather the two laws. {3MR 143.2} 3MR 143.2 21.01pts

📽 Wright, Mich., Friday, Jan. 21, 1859. Sabbath drawing on. Had a lengthy meeting in the afternoon and none in the evening. Many testimonies were given. . . . I spoke a little; feel deeply my unworthiness. {3MR 138.2} 3MR 138.2 21.01pts

📽 On the Sabbath Elder Starr spoke in the forenoon. In the afternoon I spoke from John 15. I sought to impress upon the people the lesson of that wonderful parable of the vine and the branches. John 15:1-6. {21MR 227.3} 21MR 227.3 21.01pts

📽 W.C.W. The Work in the South. (Report of an interview held between Mrs. Ellen G. White and Elder W. C. White, "Elmshaven", Sanitarium, Cal., Sabbath afternoon, Aug. 15, 1914.) {SpM 449.1} SpM 449.1 21.01pts

📽 On Sabbath morning I spoke to a large congregation in our church. The Lord was with me, and I had much freedom in speaking. Three ministers from outside churches were present. Elder Butler spoke in the afternoon. {14MR 35.3} 14MR 35.3 21.01pts

📽 I spoke on Sabbath afternoon and Sunday afternoon in the large tent. At each of these meetings the large tent was full. At the Sunday evening meeting, there were more than fifteen hundred present. {RH, October 6, 1904 par. 14} RH, October 6, 1904 par. 14 21.01pts

📽 Made Many Missionary Visits [Battle Creek] Sabbath, April 12, 1873. My husband spoke to the people in the forenoon. I remained at home because I did not feel able to attend. In the afternoon I attended meeting. . . . {6MR 292.3} 6MR 292.3 21.01pts

📽 Sabbath I spoke twice in the afternoon and evening. Sunday spoke in the evening to an intelligent audience. Elder Bourdeau interpreted for me. I had much freedom in speaking. Brother Ings is now reporting my discourse. {17MR 77.1} 17MR 77.1 21.01pts

📽 [Battle Creek] Sabbath, April 12, 1873. Made Many Missionary Visits.--My husband spoke to the people in the forenoon. I remained at home because I did not feel able to attend. In the afternoon I attended meeting. . . . {3SM 264.1} 3SM 264.1 21.01pts

📽 May 4, 1876 Camp-meeting at Eagle Lake. - (Continued.) - Sabbath afternoon, June 26, I had freedom in speaking to the people from Luke 19:41, 42. There was a solemn impression left upon the audience. {RH, May 4, 1876 par. 1} RH, May 4, 1876 par. 1 21.01pts

📽 God's Substitute for Unhealthful Foods [In reply to a question asked regarding the connection of the health food business and the school, Sister White gave the following reply during a talk Sabbath afternoon, July 22, 1899.] {HFM 44.2} HFM 44.2 21.01pts

📽 Sabbath afternoon, December 7, there were several who expressed a desire for baptism. On Sunday, fourteen were immersed in the water of the bay, as witness of their death to sin and resurrection to the new life. {RH, February 11, 1896 par. 19} RH, February 11, 1896 par. 19 21.01pts

📽 On the Sabbath we had a congregation of about one hundred. I spoke from the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah, and had special freedom. In the afternoon several stated that they were keeping the Sabbath for the first time. {ST, August 27, 1885 par. 3} ST, August 27, 1885 par. 3 21.01pts

📽 Our brethren desired me to go to Newcastle last week to make a beginning in Wallsend. It was a question whether to commence the work there; but the people are intensely interested, and have been saying, "We want meetings held at Wallsend." This place is nearer Cooranbong by ten miles, and although the road is a mountainous one, we can reach it best with our horses and carriage. {GCB, April 1, 1899 par. 3} 📽 Christ declares, "I, if I be lifted up, . . . will draw all men unto me." If the cross does not find an influence in its favor, it creates an influence. Through generation succeeding generation, the truth for this time is revealed as present truth. Christ on the cross was the medium whereby mercy and truth met together, and righteousness and peace kissed each other. This is the means that is to move the world. {GCB, April 1, 1899 par. 3} 📽 Last Sabbath a portion of the special Bulletin was read in the church, and Brother E. R. Palmer gave a little history of our difficulties and struggles for the past few months. In the afternoon there was a service of praise to the Lord. {GCB, April 1, 1899 par. 3} GCB, April 1, 1899 par. 3 21.01pts

📽 In a talk on the Avondale School and its work, given Sabbath afternoon, July 22, 1899, before the Australasian Union Conference session of that year, Mrs. White emphasized at considerable length the missionary character of the work to be done there. She said: {LS 374.1} LS 374.1 21.01pts

📽 Chap. XLII - Fortitude Under Affliction Sabbath afternoon, Aug. 20, 1881, two weeks after the death of her husband, Mrs. White met with the Battle Creek church, and spoke to the people for nearly an hour. Reporting this service, Elder Uriah Smith wrote: {LS 255.1} LS 255.1 21.01pts

📽 [Battle Creek] Sabbath, May 17, 1873. Rode a Few Miles, Slept Some.--We rode out a few miles in the oak grove. Rested about an hour. We slept some. ... We had a season of prayer before returning home. In the afternoon we went to the meeting.--Manuscript 7, 1873. {3SM 264.3} 3SM 264.3 21.01pts

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