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Bible on "effort salvation"

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Teacher, Teachers, Need (ought) to, seek: by personal effort to lead students' feet into safe paths 6T 152, salvation of students 6T 152 |
Effort, Efforts, human, Supplement, salvation requires, HP 159:4 |
Effort, Efforts, human, cease to rely upon our, for salvation PP 524 |
Effort, Efforts, human, Supplement, constant, salvation requires TMK 204:6 |
Effort, Efforts, human, Supplement, successful in plan of salvation 3SM 190:1 |
Effort, Efforts, human, God supplies efficiency to, in work of salvation CT 366 |
Habit, Habits, Supplement, vile, stop, or lose health and salvation; effort needed 1MCP 233:3 |
Gospel work, Miscellaneous, personal effort needed in DA 141; LS 211; MH 143, for salvation of men 5T 459 |
Effort, Efforts, human, if our salvation depended on our own, we could not be saved AA 553 |
Christian, Christians, Need or ought to, make personal effort for salvation of men 5T 459 |
Effort, Efforts, human, in nearly every false religion man depends on, for salvation PP 73 |
Effort, Efforts, human, Supplement, salvation requires, HP 159:4, through the Source of strength OHC 310:3 |
Effort, Efforts, human, Supplement, working out salvation with fear means distrust of own OHC 91:2 |
Church member, Church members, Need or ought to, feel: his duty to seek personal, spiritual culture 5T 480, his salvation depends on individual effort 2T 121 |
Salvation, Supplement, effort, required in TMK 204:6 |
Salvation, Supplement, effort, human, cannot bring RC 65:4 |
Plan of redemption (salvation), Satan's effort to break up DA 734 |
Salvation, make effort for, before it is everlastingly too late 3T 549 |
Salvation, Supplement, effort, toward, Satan is ready to paralyze LHU 152:5 |
Worker, Workers, Supplement, salvation sought by some, with own effort; faith lacking TDG 266:5 |
Salvation, persons devoted to unselfish effort for good of others are working out their SC 80 |
Salvation, work of: co-operation of man and God in 4BC 1167, requires steady purpose and untiring effort 2T 101-2 |
Salvation, Supplement, mediation of, important in HP 77:2, divine power in, makes human effort successful 3SM 190:1 |
Wealthy person, Wealthy persons, Miscellaneous, salvation of, decided personal effort must be put forth for 6T 80-2 |
Sickness, is: nature's effort to correct unhealthful conditions MH 235, of less consequence than salvation of souls 2T 540 |
Sin, Sins, Miscellaneous, barrier against: effort to earn salvation by works leads men to pile up human exactions as MB 123 |
Sin, Sins, Miscellaneous, barrier against: effort to earn salvation by works leads men to pile up human exactions as MB 123, man has of himself no MH 429; 8T 292 |
Sin, Sins, Miscellaneous, barrier against: effort to earn salvation by works leads men to pile up human exactions as MB 123, nature worshipers have no PK 281-2 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, first of sciences is FE 186-90 |
Man, Men, Physical nature of, assist, in effort to expel impurities from human system MH 127, in effort to re-establish right conditions in system MH 127 |
People of God, Miscellaneous, faith of: boasts and threats and ridicule will be used in effort to overthrow 5T 450, voice and pen will be used in effort to overthrow 5T 450 |
Effort, Efforts, human, divine effort is in vain without AH 206; PK 487 |
Atonement (antitypical), Salvation only through, no salvation without SR 51 |
Effort, Efforts, human, humble, God notices 5T 568, is precious in God's sight 5T 568 |
Evangelistic effort, Evengelistic efforts, held in: basement Ev 126, small hall Ev 126 |
Cherub, Cherubim, Real, interested in: plan of salvation PP 348-9, work of salvation GC 415 |
Effort, Efforts, human, occasional and spasmodic: harm done by 5T 535, is of little value 5T 535 |
Effort, Efforts, human, occasional and spasmodic: harm done by 5T 535, reaction surely follows 5T 535 |
Holy Spirit, Power of, alone, can fit us for courts above 7T 273, can make us wise unto salvation 7T 273 |
Health reform, Light of (or on), given for: men's salvation CH 446; 7T 136, salvation of others and ourselves WM 130 |
Faith, Kinds of (undesirable), casual, does not suffice for spiritual life 1SM 137, faith unto salvation is not 1SM 137; 1SM 391 |
Evangelistic effort, Evengelistic efforts, ministers who conduct 1T 645-7; 2T 117-8; 4T 265, should carry it through successfully 4T 265 |
Church member, Church members, Need or ought to, advance God's cause by: personal effort 4T 469, use of their means 4T 469 |
Evangelistic effort, Evengelistic efforts, ministers who conduct 1T 645-7; 2T 117-8; 4T 265, should not leave until his work is done Ev 689; 4T 265 |
Holy Spirit, Office of CT 427; DA 669-72; FE 227, is to present: Christ and purity of His righteousness SC 91, salvation we have in Christ SC 91 |
Christ, Miscellaneous, union with, can be preserved only by earnest prayer and untiring effort 5T 231, explanation of 5T 231 |
Education, Higher (true) CT 11-8; FE 392-6, defined as: experimental knowledge of plan of salvation CT 11, simplicity of true godliness CT 11 |
Help, Helps, divine: held in reserve for all who demand it ML 19, must be combined with human effort, aspiration, and energy ML 19 |
Christian, Christians, Early (first or primitive), felt: power of truth 5T 156, that world's salvation or loss depended on them 5T 156 |
Evangelistic effort, Evengelistic efforts, house-to-house work in, importance of Ev 431-5; 9T 111; TM 312-3, often does more good than public effort Ev 463-4 |
Character, Characters, Right, formed only by: improving talents and capabilities to God's glory MYP 163, persevering and untiring effort CG 164; MYP 163 |
Church member, Church members, Need or ought to, put forth: continuous and persevering effort to save souls 9T 32, greater personal effort Ev 113 |
Gospel work, Miscellaneous, requires: effort, self-denial, and self-sacrifice 6T 283, individual responsibility, individual effort, and personal sacrifice MH 147 |
Israelite, Israelites, In New Testament times, thought: salvation was restricted to themselves DA 204, to confine benefits of salvation to their own nation DA 306 |
Education, Higher (true) CT 11-8; FE 392-6, defined as: experimental knowledge of plan of salvation CT 11, passport from preparatory school of earth to higher school above CT 11 |
Habit, Habits, Wrong (bad, evil), long-established, effort and perseverance and earnestness needed to obtain victory over 2T 80, which have become as second nature 2T 80 |
High Priest (Christ as), In most holy place EW 42-3; EW 55; EW 243-4; EW 250-1; EW 253-4; EW 279-81; GC 421-32, close of ministration (intercession, or mediation) of EW 36; EW 48; EW 253; GC 430-2; GC 490-1; GC 613, every case will have been decided for either salvation or destruction at EW 36 |
Education, Classes of, comprehensive: calls for more than culture of intellect MH 398, demands of parents and teachers thought and effort that mere instruction in sciences does not require MH 398 |
Aaron, faith of, effort to stagger 1T 292 |
Abel, plan of salvation understood by 3SG 47 |
Absalom, David and, Joab's effort to reconcile PP 728-9 |
Action, Actions, Supplement, salvation requires TMK 115:2 |
Ability, Abilities, lack of mental effort lessens SC 89-90 |
Soul, Souls, One, salvation of, is salvation of many souls Te 188 |
Adam, After fall, angels instructed 3SG 52, re plan of salvation PP 66; SR 56 |
Victory, Victories, costs: constant watchfulness 4T 39, strong effort 4T 39 |
One soul, Miscellaneous, salvation of, is salvation of many souls Te 188 |
Salvation, Supplement, work of/working for/out, TDG 72:2, not a contradiction TDG 72:2 |
Adam and Eve, Subsequent to sinning, promise of salvation believed by 1BC 1084 |
Pope, Popes, people looked to: for forgiveness of sins EW 213; GC 55, for salvation GC 55 |
Novel reading, habit of, make effort to overcome 7T 203, pernicious effects of 7T 203 |
Action, Actions, Supplement, own, salvation depends on; God helps our efforts FW 48:2; NL 35:3 |
Adam, After fall, sin of, committed out of love for Eve EW 148; PP 56-8; 3SG 42; 3SG 44; SR 36; SR 38, effort to excuse 5T 637 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90 |
Plan of redemption (salvation), broader and deeper purpose in, than man's salvation PP 68 |
Plan of redemption (salvation), everyone can understand, sufficiently to find salvation SC 107 |
Salvation, persons devoted fully to salvation of the erring are working out their own 5T 607 |
Adam and Eve, Before sinning (activities), angels instructed Ed 21; EW 147; 3SG 34; SR 21, re plan of salvation 3SG 52; SR 47-8; SR 56 |
Redeemed soul, Redeemed souls, In world to come AA 601-2; Ed 301-9; EW 16-9; EW 51-3; EW 287-9; GC 645-2; GC 660-78; LS 66-7; PK 727-33; 2SG 33-5; 2SG 52-5; 3SG 83-7; SR 421-33; 1T 60-1; 1T 67-70; 9T 285-8, earnest effort of, reward of 9T 285-8 |
Plant, Plants, do not grow: by their own care or anxiety or effort SC 68, through conscious effort ML 103 |
Parent, Parents, Work of, requires: earnest thought and prayer CT 107, patient and persevering effort CT 107 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, is all-important CT 14 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, learn and teach AA 474; CT 23-4; MH 424; 8T 287 |
Soul, Souls, One, salvation of, is salvation of many souls Te 188, will repay your efforts a thousand times WM 97 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, cannot be explained DA 494-5 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, science that is not CW 29 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, Bible plainly reveals 8T 157 |
Time of trouble (general), commencement of: outpouring of Spirit at EW 33; EW 85; LS 101, while work of salvation is closing EW 85 |
Warfare, against enemy: be willing to be or to do anything in 7T 30, triumph always follows decided effort in 7T 30 |
Salvation, Christ places, not upon profession merely MB 149, on faith that is manifest in works of righteousness MB 149 |
One soul, Miscellaneous, salvation of, is salvation of many souls Te 188, will repay your efforts a thousand times WM 97 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, can be known by experience DA 494-5 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, highest of all sciences is MH 398 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, pour forth, in every prayer GW 160 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, science of all sciences is COL 107 |
Mental power, Mental powers, development of: is result of effort CG 206, teach children that, rests with themselves CG 206 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, God's word plainly reveals FE 391 |
Science, Sciences, in the spiritual world, Of redemption (salvation), of salvation FE 186-90, learn and teach, to children FE 262 |
Review and Herald publishing house, managers of 3T 86-8; 5T 410-1; 5T 417; 8T 90, should correctly represent Christ and plan of salvation 5T 410-1 |
Speaking, fitness for: by earnest prayer and diligent effort obtain CT 254, includes uttering every syllable clearly CT 254 |
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