10. What does the Psalmist say was the reason why God brought His people out of Egypt, and placed them in Canaan?


"And He brought forth His people with joy, and His chosen with gladness: and gave them the lands of the
heathen: . . . that they might observe His statutes, and keep, His laws." Ps. 105: 43-45.
NOTE-Their deliverance from Egyptian bondage was a reason for the keeping not only of the
fourth commandment, but of every precept of God's law. This is indicated by the preface or preamble to the
law as given on Sinai: "I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage. Thou shall have no other gods before Me," etc. Ex. 20: 2, 3. See also Lev. 19: 35-37;
Deut. 10:19; 15:12-15; 24:17,18. Likewise, everyone who, through Christ, has been delivered from the
bondage of sin, God calls to obedience, not only in the matter of Sabbath-keeping, but to every precept of
His holy law. "Blessed is the man that does this, and the son of man that lays hold on it; that keeps the
Sabbath from polluting it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil." Isa. 56: 2.

What threefold union is thus established?
In what prophecy did Christ recognize Daniel as a prophet?
What is said of the strength and character of the angels?
What above all else shows God's willingness to do this?
Is there any limit to God's ability to help?
In narrating the work of creation, what statement is made concerning its completion?
At the pouring out of the seventh plague, what announcement will be made?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle