11. How is the closing work of the gospel under the outpouring of the Spirit described by the Revelator?


"After these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was
lightened with his glory." Rev. 18:1.

How many were embraced in God's promises to Abraham?
What gives victory in our conflicts with the world?
From what sources did Christ usually draw His parables?
What statement of the redeemed shows that they will remember God's creative power?
How does the Lord, through the prophet Isaiah, indicate what is true Sabbath-keeping?
14. What does the \"psalm for the Sabbath day\" suggest as proper acts and themes for thought and meditation on the Sabbath?
22. How did He manifest His sympathy in the case of Mary and her friends weeping over the death of Lazarus?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle