13. At the instance of church bishops, what still further law was secured under Theodosius the Younger, in 425?


"In the year 425, the exhibition of spectacles on Sunday and on the principal feast-days of the Christians
was forbidden, in order that the devotion of the faithful might be free from all disturbance."-Id., pages 300,

What instruction is given concerning confession of sin?
What peaceful, happy conditions will prevail in the next world as compared with those of this life?
What was done with the blood of the offering?
What did Jesus say of the sacramental wine?
Where did Moses command the Levites to put the book of the law which he had written?
What words to this church show the second advent near?
15. Were there to he no resurrection of the dead, what would be the condition of those fallen asleep in Christ?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle