13. The righteous dead are raised at Christ's second coming. When will the rest of the dead, the wicked, be raised?


"The rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished." Verse 5.
NOTES - From this we see that the beginning and the close of the millennium, or one thousand
years, are marked by the two resurrections.
The word millennium is from two Latin words, mille, meaning a thousand, and annus, year-a
thousand years. It covers the time during which Satan is to be bound and wicked men and angels are to be
judged. This period is bounded by distinct events. Its beginning is marked by the close of probation, the
pouring out of the seven last plagues, the second coming of Christ, and the resurrection of the righteous
dead. It closes with the resurrection of the wicked, and their final destruction in the lake of fire. See
diagram on page 50.

How is justification laid hold upon?
How has Christ made it possible for righteousness to be imputed to the believer?
What charge was made against Stephen concerning his attitude toward the ceremonial law?
How, according to Luke, did Christ answer this question?
How many distinct classes will have a resurrection?
What petitions may we confidently expect God to hear?
What divine law of retroaction attends giving?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle