18. What is said of those who live to see the deliverance from modern Babylon, and the restoration of the true gospel?


'Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." Dan. 12: 12.
NOTE - The 1335 days (years) of Dan. 12:12 are evidently a continuation of the 1290 days
(years) of the previous verse, which commence with the taking away of the mediation of Christ, in the year
AD. 508. See under question 22 in reading on "The Vicar of Christ," page 34. The 1335 days, or years,
would therefore extend to the year 1843, the time of the preaching of the judgment hour, in preparation for
the cleansing of the sanctuary, and the accompanying work at the end of the 2300 days, or years, of Dan.
8:14. At that time special blessings were to come upon those who were delivered from the errors and
bondage of Rome, and had their minds directed anew to the mediation of Christ as the great High Priest in
the heavenly sanctuary.
GENERAL NOTE ON THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL - The second chapter of Daniel presents
in brief outline the divine program of history leading up to the establishment of the everlasting kingdom of
God. The seventh chapter of Daniel presents somewhat more in detail the history of those earthly kingdoms
which were to precede the establishment of the kingdom of God, the objective point of the prophecy being
the little horn and its effort to change the laws and ordinances of God, and to destroy the subjects, of the
heavenly kingdom. The period allotted to the supremacy of this power, the Papacy (the 1260 years), is also
indicated. The prophecy of the eighth chapter of Daniel covers the period from the restoration era in the
time of the Persian kings and the establishment of the people of God in their own land, to the restoration
era just preceding the second advent of Christ and the setting up of His everlasting kingdom. In this chapter
the leading theme is the effort of the Papacy to substitute its own mediatorial system for the mediatorial
work of Christ, and the announcement of a prophetic period (the 2300 years), at the end of which the
counterfeit system introduced by the Papacy was to he fully exposed. The remaining chapters of Daniel
supplement the prophecies of the second, seventh, and eighth chapters, and show that at the end of the first
portion of the 2300-year period (the 70 weeks, or 490 years) Messiah was to appear and be cut off,
following which would come the destruction of Jerusalem. In the closing chapter two new periods are
introduced (the 1290 years and the 1335 years), at the end of which, as with the 2300 years, was to come
the movement preparatory to the setting up of God's everlasting kingdom in the earth, in harmony with the
prophecies of the second and seventh chapters.

Can man free himself from the dominion of sin?
In what language is the justice of God described?
What accompanies repentance?
How was this fulfilled?
What similar call and appeal will be made under the final outpouring of the Spirit?
Was there anything made without Christ?
When and by whom was the Council of Nice convened?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle