19. What testimony does Eusebius (AD. 270-338), a noted bishop of the church, a flatterer of Constantine, and the reputed father of ecclesiastical history, bear upon this subject?


"All things whatsoever that it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord's day ...
. .. Commentary on the Psalms," Cox's "Sabbath Literature," Vol. I, page 361.
NOTE - The change of the Sabbath was the result of the combined efforts of church and state, and
it was centuries before it was fully accomplished.

What is one evidence of this change from death to life?
What did the people say when they saw these things?
With what promise do the Old Testament Scriptures close?
15. What commands obeyed would bring about a peaceful solution to this wide-spread and growing conflict?
What will He say to those on His right hand?
What did David ask God to teach him?
How many foundations has this city?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle