20. When and by what church council was the observance of the seventh day forbidden, and Sunday observance enjoined ?


"The seventh-day Sabbath was . . . solemnized by Christ, the apostles, and primitive Christians, till the
Laodicean Council did, in a manner, quite abolish the observation of it. . . . The Council of Laodicea [AD.
364] . . . first settled the observation of the Lord's day."-Prynne's "Dissertation on the Lord's Day Sabbath,"
page 163.

What is sin declared to be?
What became of the various parts of the image?
Why did the patriarch Job offer burnt offerings?
When afflicted, for what did he pray?
When our friends fall asleep in death, with what words are we told to comfort one another?
How may we obtain eternal life?
Why did not these ancient worthies receive the promise?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle