22. What did Augustine, the father of this theocratical or church-and-state theory, teach concerning it?


"Who doubts but what it is better to be led to God by instruction than by fear of punishment or affliction?
But because the former, who will be guided only by instruction, are better, the others are still not to be
neglected. . . . Many, like bad servants, must often be reclaimed to their Master by the rod of temporal
suffering, ere they can attain to this highest stage of religious development. "-Id., pages 214, 215.

When was Jesus born?
What was the effect of this apostasy?
13. In this same prophecy, how is the Church of Rome, the Papacy, designated as the antitype of ancient Babylon?
To whom, then, should its observance be rendered?
When the trees put forth their leaves, what do we know?
How does Paul say the saints will he raised?
12. When the woman of Canaan came to Christ, beseeching Him to heal her daughter, what did He say?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle