22. What prophetic period begins at the time when the continual mediation of Christ was taken away
by the Papacy?
"And from the time that the continual burnt offering shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes
desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." Dan. 12:11, RV.
NOTES - Inasmuch as the taking away of the continual mediation of Christ is made the beginning
of a prophetic period, there must be some definite act at some definite time which, in form and intent, takes
from Christ His priestly work in the heavenly sanctuary. This act was the official decree of an ecclesiastical
council held at Rome in AD. 503, by which it was declared "that the Pope was judge as God's vicar, and
could himself be judged by no one." See Hardouin's "Councils," Vol. 11, page 983; Labbe and Cossart's
"Councils," Vol. IV, col. 1364; and Bower's "History of the Popes" (three-volume edition), Vol. 1, pages
304, 305. The work of Clovis, king of the Franks, who earned for himself the title of "the eldest son of the
church" by his campaigns to subdue the kingdoms hostile to the Papacy, contributed much toward putting
into practical effect this claim of the Papacy, which finally resulted in establishing the Pope as the head of
the Roman priesthood which has usurped the priestly work of Christ, and has established another system of
mediation in its place. This work of Clovis came to its climax in the year 508, and this year therefore
becomes the natural one from which to date the 1290 years of Dan. 12:11, which would accordingly end in
the year 1798, at the same time as the 1260 years of Dan. 7:25. See notes on page 27 of this volume.
"With Rome would have fallen her bishop, had he not, as if by anticipation of the crisis, reserved
till this hour the master-stroke of his policy. He now boldly cast himself upon an element of much greater
strength than that of which the political convulsions of the time had deprived him; namely, that the bishop
of Rome is the successor of Peter, the prince of the apostles, and, in virtue of being so, is Christ's vicar on
earth. In making this claim, the Roman pontiffs vaulted at once over the throne of kings to the seat of gods:
Rome became once more the mistress of the world, and her popes the rulers of the earth."----"The Papacy,"
by J. A. Wylie, page 34.
What are the wages of sin?
What does Christ thus become to the believer?
6. How did they manifest their displeasure at His healing the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath?
To whom, then, should its observance be rendered?
How was the faithfulness of this church commended?
What graces are we to add in our character building?
Who does David say have most now?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle