29. What statement immediately following the announcement mentioned in Rev. 22: 11, indicates that a judgment work had been in progress before Christ comes?


"And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall
be." Rev. 22: 12.
NOTE-The typical sanctuary service is fully met in the work of Christ. As the atonement day of
the former dispensation was really a day of judgment, so the atonement work of Christ will include the
investigation of the cases of His people prior to His coming the second time to receive them unto Himself.

What is said of God's faithfulness in keeping His promises ?
In what other way is God's love sometimes shown?
What basis for reconciliation was made by Christ's death?
What did the goat with the notable horn represent?
Who made the Sabbath?
17. Under what figure are the Gentile believers represented who have become a part of the true Israel of God?
What encouragement is held out concerning the branches which have been broken off?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle