5. Does the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, or tenth commandment indicate the author of the Decalogue?


No; none of them.
NOTE - The second commandment forbids the making of and bowing down to images, but does
not in itself reveal who the true God is. The third commandment says, "Thou shall not take the name of the
Lord thy God in vain," but it likewise fails to reveal the true God and giver of the law. A worshipper of the
sun might say he kept this commandment so far as it itself reveals what god is meant. So of the other
commandments here referred to. In the last five commandments the name of God is not even mentioned.

Can anything separate the true child of God from the love of God?
What in the early church showed living faith?
What is one way in which a child may dishonor his parents?
What does the historian say of this legislation?
What may be said of \"the sea and the waves roaring\"?
What special blessings were conferred on the Israelites?
17. Under what figure are the Gentile believers represented who have become a part of the true Israel of God?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle