6. What influence do the Bible and history show working in the church immediately after apostolic days?


"Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."
Acts 20: 30.
NOTE-"In the interval between the days of the apostles and the conversion of Constantine, the
Christian commonwealth changed its aspect. . . . Rites and ceremonies of which neither Paul nor Peter ever
heard, crept silently into use, and then claimed the rank of divine institutions."-Dr. W. D. Killen's
(Presbyterian) "The Ancient Church," Preface.

What is this change from death to life called?
What is the value of proper early instruction?
21. To what extent is the apostasy, or fall, of modern Babylon, the mother, and of her daughters, to be carried?
Where are the Ten Commandments recorded?
What title of distinction is given the law of God?
What two covenants are contrasted in the Bible?
What command is given under the sixth trumpet?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle