9. In what statement to the woman at Jacob's well did Jesus intimate that the ceremonial system of
worship would be abolished?
"Jesus says unto her, Woman, believe Me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet
at Jerusalem, worship the Father." John 4: 21.
NOTE - The worship of the Jews centered in the typical system, or ritual service, of the temple,
"at Jerusalem," while the Samaritans had instituted a rival service "in this mountain," Mount Gerizim. In
His statement to the woman of Samaria, Jesus therefore indicated that the time was at hand when the whole
typical system would be done away.
Of whom did Christ say the Scriptures testify?
What reply did the Lord immediately make?
In what song of praise did a host of angels join?
What relation does a justified person sustain to the law?
Through whom do we have sanctification?
What was Christ's custom respecting the Sabbath?
6. What influence do the Bible and history show working in the church immediately after apostolic days?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle