Against whom do we wrestle?
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [margin, wicked spirits] in high places [margin,
heavenly places]." Eph. 6: 12.
NOTE -- 'The facts of history concur with the statements of revelation in forcing upon us the
unwelcome conviction that the human race is subject to the malevolent influence of an organized and allpervading, demonism. Alike in the career of nations and in the phenomena of personal destiny the presence
of demoniacal skill and power is often prominent, frequently dominant, always evil."-"Footprints of Angels
in Fields of Revelation', by E. A. Stockman, page 2.
How long will the Word of God endure?
From what sources did Christ usually draw His parables?
22. What prophetic period begins at the time when the continual mediation of Christ was taken away by the Papacy?
When was this time of reformation?
Concerning what did Christ tell us not to marvel?
What will the righteous do upon rising from the grave?
How perfect does Christ tell us to be?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle