Are angels of a higher order of beings than man?


"Thou has made him a little lower than the angels." Ps. 8: 5.
NOTES - There are different orders of angels:
"Cherubim" (Gen. 3:24);
"Seraphim" (Isa. 6:2,6);
"Archangel" (1 Thess. 4: 16; Jude 9).
Some of their names are: "Michael' (Dan. 10:13,21 ; 12:1; Jude 9); "Gabriel' (Dan. 8:16; 9:21; Luke 1:19).
Michael means, "Who is like God," and hence is a fit title for Christ. Gabriel signifies, "The strength of
God," an appropriate name for the angel or being who stands next to Christ (Dan. 10: 21).

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Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle