As He was about to leave the temple, what did He say?


"Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." Verse 38.
NOTE - That which was to fill up their cup of iniquity was their final rejection and crucifixion of
Christ, and their condemnation and persecution of His apostles and people after His resurrection. See Matt.
23: 29-35; John 19: 15; Acts 4-8.

What other book of the Bible is especially commended for our study?
How did some of the believers at Ephesus testify to the sincerity of the confession of their sins?
What will be the burden of the closing gospel message?
How complete a Saviour is He?
To whom did God commit the care and early training of His only begotten Son?
How many are included in the \"all\" who have sinned?
Whose names are on the twelve gates of the city?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle