BY whom was the Ten Commandment law proclaimed?


"And the Lord spoke unto you out of the midst of the fire: you heard the voice of the words, but saw no
similitude; only you heard a voice. And He declared unto you His covenant, which He commanded you to
perform, even Ten Commandments; and He wrote them upon two tables of stone!' Deut. 4: 12, 13.

What is Christ's relation to this faith?
What effect did the preaching of the apostles have upon the hearers?
In what song of praise did a host of angels join?
What does the fifth commandment require of children?
In what condition was the world before the Flood?
How had Moses spoken of another and greater dispersion?
12. When the woman of Canaan came to Christ, beseeching Him to heal her daughter, what did He say?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle