By what title is the first state of the church distinguished?
"Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write." Rev. 2: 1.
NOTE - The meaning of Ephesus is desirable, and fitly describes the character and condition of
the church in its first state, when its members received the doctrine of Christ in its purity, and enjoyed the
benefits and blessings of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This applies to the first century I or during the lifetime
of the apostles. See dates in the accompanying diagram, showing the beginning and close of the seven
What change is wrought in conversion, or the new birth?
29. What bears witness to the genuineness of the righteousness obtained by faith, apart from the deeds of the law?
By what should we test, or prove, all doctrine?
Against what are husbands cautioned?
What was offered in this sanctuary?
What special reason is given for this?
What is God called in the Scriptures?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle