Do they take any part in earthly things?


"Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for
ever in anything that is done under the sun." Verse 6.
NOTE - If one continued in consciousness after death, he would know of the promotion or
dishonor of his sons. But job says he does not know this. Not only so, but in death one loses all the
attributes of mind-love, hatred, envy, etc. Thus it is plain that his thoughts have perished, and that he can
have nothing more to do with the things of this world. But if, as taught and held by some, man's powers of
thought continue after death, he lives; and if he lives, he must be somewhere. Where is he? Is he in heaven,
or in hell? If he goes to either place at death, what then is the need of a future judgment, or of a
resurrection, or of the second coming of Christ? If the judgment does not take place at death, but men go to
their reward at death, then their rewards precede their awards, and there would arise the possibility that
some have at death gone to the wrong place, and must needs be sent to the other, after having been in bliss
or torment for ages, perhaps.

What does the sorrow of the world do?
7. What reason does God give for the Sabbath's being an everlasting sign between Him and His people?
16. What action of the American Federation of Catholic Societies indicates that Catholics will gladly \"join hands\" with Protestants in enforcing Sunday observance by law?
Will even this terrible judgment lead men to repent?
22. When surrounded by the Syrian host, what did Elisha say, and for what did he pray, to encourage his frightened servant?
What therefore follows?
What peaceful condition will reign throughout the earth then?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle