Does it matter what one believes, so long as he is sincere?


"God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the
truth." 2 Thess. 2: 13.
NOTE - Doctrine affects the life. Truth leads to life and God; error to death and destruction. No
one would think of saying it matters not what god one worships, so long as he is sincere, any more than he
would think of saying it matters not what one eats or drinks, so long as he relishes what he eats and drinks;
or what road he travels, so long as he thinks he is on the right road. Sincerity is a virtue; but it is not the test
of sound doctrine. God wills that we shall know the truth, and He has made provision whereby we may
know what is truth.

How is eternal life bestowed?
What did this little horn do to the people of God?
When He comes the second time, what title will He bear?
What assurance has God given of the judgment?
What is said of the character of these scaled ones?
Why are they demanded now?
What petition was made to the emperor by a church convention of bishops in AD 401?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle