Does the Bible recognize what may be called "present truth"?


"Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know
them, and be established in the present truth." 2 Peter 1: 12.
NOTE - SOME truths are applicable in all ages, and are therefore present truth for every generation; others
are of a special character, and are applicable to only one generation. They are none the less important,
however, because of this; for upon their acceptance or rejection depends the salvation or loss of the people
of that generation. Of this kind was Noah's message of a coming flood. To the generation to whom it was
preached that message was present truth; to later generations it has been past truth, and not a present,
testing message. Similarly, had the first advent message of John the Baptist been proclaimed in the
generation either before or after John's time, it would not have been applicable-would not have been
present truth. The people of the generation before would not have lived to see it fulfilled, and to those
living after, it would have been wrongly timed. Not so with general truths, such as love, faith, hope,
repentance, obedience, justice, and mercy. These are always in season, and of a saving nature at all times.
Present truths, however, always include all these, and hence are saving in character, and of vital

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Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle