Does the first commandment show who the author of the law is?


"Thou shall have no other gods before Me." Ex. 20: 3.
NOTE - Who the "me" here spoken of is, the commandment itself does not state. Such a
prohibition might come from any source. Any heathen could claim it as a command from his god, and, so
far as the commandment itself goes, no one could disprove his claim.

7. How did the chief priests and Pharisees seek to prevent the fulfilment of Christ's words concerning His resurrection?
What great truth was then stated?
How should parents bring up their children?
What assurance has God given of the judgment?
In what instruction did He emphasize the importance of keeping the law?
What special miracle is finally to be performed to deceive men, and fasten them in deception?
What does God's Word then become to the believer?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle