For how long a time should one honor his parents?


"Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old." Prov. 23: 22.
NOTE - As long as parents live, they should be honored and respected by their children. The duty
enjoined in the fifth commandment does not cease at maturity, nor when the child leaves the parental roof.

How are His mercies continually manifested?
In what working of God is faith to be exercised in connection with baptism?
Of what sin were the Amorites specially guilty?
On what day did Paul and his companions preach to the devout women at Phillippi?
What means will be employed to compel all to receive this mark?
What scripture indicates that each child of God has an accompanying angel?
What is the measurement of the city?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle