For what purpose did the law enter?


"Moreover the law entered, that the, offence might abound." Rom. 5: 20.
NOTE - By the giving of the law at Sinai, then, God designed, not to increase or multiply sin, but
that men might, through a new revelation of Him and of His character and will, as expressed in a plainly
spoken and plainly written law, the better see the awful sinfulness of sin, and thus their utter helplessness
and undone condition. While in Egypt, surrounded as they were with idolatry and sin, and as the result of
their long bondage and hard servitude, Israel even, the special people of God, had largely forgotten God
and lost sight of His requirements. Until one realizes that he is a sinner, he cannot see his need of a Savior
from sin. Hence the entering, or re-publication, of the law to the world through Israel at Sinai.

In what event was this prophecy fulfilled?
What was the result of the Jews' not accepting Christ?
What did God say to Abraham concerning his wife, Sarah?
Does God design that His great work of creating the heavens and the earth shall be remembered?
How long was Jerusalem to be trodden down of the Gentiles?
Where is this everlasting or eternal life?
19. When this city becomes the metropolis of the new earth, what will be the condition of God's people?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle