For whom did Christ say the Sabbath was made?
"And He said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2: 27.
NOTE-It was not made for the Jews alone. The Jews derive their name from Judah, one of the
twelve sons of Jacob, from whom they are descended. The Sabbath was made more than two thousand
years before there was a Jew. It was made for the human race.
Of what is faith a fruit?
For how long does marriage bind the contracting parties?
What was He to take away in the midst of this week?
What is said of one who professes to know the Lord, but does not keep His commandments?
What means will be employed to lead the people back into this false worship?
When this sign appeared, what were the disciples to do?
How long is Satan to be imprisoned on this earth?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle