Have we reached the time when there is "distress of nations, with perplexity"?


Every intelligent person knows that the world is in a state of unrest at the present time, and that men are
troubled and perplexed at the outlook of present conditions throughout the civilized world.
NOTES-Nearly five years after the Peace of Versailles, Lloyd George told a Wesleyan
Conference in London, July 24, 1923, that Europe had then more armed men than before the World War.
He said:"The nations still are busy inventing diabolical machinery of war, yet they, all signed the covenant
of the League of Nations. None of the nations have learned the lesson of the late war, that the drilling of
great armies was bound to bring disaster to humanity. The whole merry-go-round of the devil is going to
begin again. The community must be trained to treat war as a crime of violence."
As reported in the Washington Star, August 23, 1925, Sheldon S. Cline, a London newspaper
correspondent, wrote thus"European politics are fashioned and governed to an astonishing degree by fear of another war.
Whatever else men may prefer to talk about, this war fear lies in the back of their minds and hangs over
their lives like some horrid nightmare. The appalling feature of it is that there are indications of a spirit of
resignation to the inevitable-a state of mind in which men wonder when and where the storm will break,
not how it can be averted. . . .
"On every hand, one is told that the last war staggered civilization and that another war would
finish it, yet another war is looked forward to as something that is inevitable. . . .
"There was a time, of course, when mankind had high hopes that the League of Nations might be
the means of freeing the world from war. That hope today has about been abandoned except by a few
incurable optimists."

Of what is Christian baptism an evidence?
How was the prophecy given?
What was given into the hands of the power represented by the little horn?
How may we be freed from the guilt of our sins, or our transgressions of God's law?
14. What does the \"psalm for the Sabbath day\" suggest as proper acts and themes for thought and meditation on the Sabbath?
In bereavement, like whom should we not sorrow?
How perfect does Christ tell us to be?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle