How are parents instructed to bring up their children?


"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord." Eph. 6: 4.
NOTE - "Religion is love, and a religious home is one in which love reigns There must be love in
action, love that flows out in all the home intercourse, showing itself in a thousand little expressions of
thoughtfulness, kindness, unselfishness, and gentle courtesy." - 'Week-Day Religion," by J. R. Miller,
D.D., page 83.

What are fitting inquiries for those convicted of sin?
How fully are we thus united with Christ in His experience of death and resurrection?
What, therefore, did God do?
After the crucifixion, what day was kept by the women who followed Jesus?
1. According to the words of the angel to Daniel, when might the world look for an increase of knowledge?
What role do his agents assume?
What did Christ say concerning secret prayer?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle