How completely does God wish to separate sin from us?


"Thou wilt cast-all-their sins into the depths of the sea!' Micah 7: 19. "As far as the east is from the west, so
far bath He removed our transgressions from us!' Ps. 103: 12.

What is promised to him who wills to do God's will?
In receiving the Son what do we have in Him?
How did Jesus honor His parents?
27. According to the view of the judgment presented to Daniel, what is to be given to Christ while still before the Father?
10. What scripture shows that a special sealing work is to take place just before the letting loose of the winds of destruction upon the earth?
How perfect would God have us become?
How willing is God to hear and answer prayer?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle