How does James say the rich have treated the just?


"You have condemned and killed the just; and he does not resist you." James 5: 6.
NOTE - There is nothing more rapacious and heartless than greed, or covetousness. To obtain its
ends, it disregards the rights, the welfare, and even the lives of those affected by its merciless schemes and
intrigues. The righteous, or just, however, do not make forcible resistance to this unjust treatment.

What is one evidence of this change from death to life?
How are those described who accept this message?
By what means may the mother bind the hearts of the loved ones at home together?
What was contained in the second apartment?
In what instruction did He emphasize the importance of keeping the law?
What did Christ say concerning secret prayer?
To what Old Testament promise did Peter evidently refer?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle