How does Satan deceive the people?
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11: 14.
What specifications of \"the man of sin\" are thus fully met?
2. What did God tell Adam and Eve would he the result if they transgressed, and partook of the forbidden fruit?
14. Within less than forty days after the making of this covenant, while Moses tarried in the mount, what did the people say to Aaron?
6. Under the theocracy of Israel, what was the law concerning witches' and those who had familiar spirits?
What does the Apostle Peter say concerning the trials through which every believer must pass?
4. What, according to the prophecy of Daniel, was to befall the people of God down through the ages?
What will follow this great conflagration?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle