How does the Sunday law of Charles 11, of 1676, read?


"For the better observation and keeping holy the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday: be it enacted . . .
that all the laws enacted and in force concerning the observation of the day, and repairing to the church
thereon, be carefully put in execution; and that all and every person and persons whatsoever shall upon
every Lord's day apply themselves to the observation of the same, by exercising themselves thereon in the
duties of piety and true religion, publicly and privately. "-"Revised Statutes of England from AD. 12351685" (London, 18710), pages 779, 780; cited in "A Critical History of Sunday Legislation," by A. H.
Lewis, D.D., pages 108, 109.

How are His mercies continually manifested?
How enduring is Gods love for us?
With what comparison did He illustrate the subject?
By what was the second kingdom symbolized?
What does God say the Sabbath will be to those who hallow it, or keep it holy?
After accepting Christ, what are we to do?
What only can overcome the world?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle