How earnestly is this work to he prosecuted?


"And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in,
that my house may be filled." Luke 14: 23.
NOTE - This work is now going on. In every part of the world the sound of this closing gospel message is
being heard, and the people are being urged to accept it, and to prepare for Christ's coming and kingdom.

What did Christ say of those who will to do God's will?
Where was Daniel at this time?
Is there any evidence that such an image will be made?
What did Charlemagne's Sunday law of 800 require?
When were the sun and moon darkened?
What did Christ say would be the experience of His people in this world?
Before Gentiles become Israelites, in what condition are they?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle