How long will the Word of God endure?
"The grass withers, the flower fades: but the Word of our God shall stand for ever." Isa. 40: 8.
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away." Matt. 24:35.
0 Word of God Incarnate
0 Word of God incarnate,
0 Wisdom from on high,
0 Truth unchanged, unchanging,
0 Light of our dark sky !
We praise Thee for the radiance
That from the hallowed page,
A lamp to guide our footsteps,
Shines on from age to age.
The church from her dear Master
Received the gift divine,
And still that light she lifteth
O'er all the earth to shine.
It is the golden casket
Where gems of truth are stored;
It is the heaven drawn picture
Of Christ the living Word.
It floateth like a banner
Before God's hosts unfurled,
It shineth like a beacon
Above the stormy world;
It is the chart and compass
That o'er life's raging sea,
'Mid mists and rocks and quick sands,
Still guides, 0 Christ, to Thee !
0 make Thy church, dear Saviour,
A lamp of burnished gold,
To bear before the nations
Thy true light as of old;
0 teach Thy wandering pilgrims
By this their path to trace,
Till, clouds and darkness ended,
They see Thee face to face.
-William How.
How is Christ's resurrection foretold in the Psalms?
By whom was this fulfilled?
What did Jesus declare God's commandments to be?
2. What did God tell Adam and Eve would he the result if they transgressed, and partook of the forbidden fruit?
What warning has Christ given concerning false views of the manner of His coming?
How does God regard one who abandons his faith?
Of what will the saints speak?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle