How may one know that this does not refer to the earthly sanctuary ?


"He said unto me, Understand, 0 son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision." Verse 17.
NOTE - The prophetic period Of 2300, days (years) extends to AD. 1844, while the divinely appointed
services of the earthly sanctuary ceased at the cross (Dan. 9:27; Matt. 27:50,51), and the sanctuary itself
was destroyed in AD. 70, when Titus captured Jerusalem. For explanation of the period here mentioned,
see the preceding reading.

How was the earth itself affected by Adam's sin ?
Through what was the original creation wrought?
By what is Grecia, the kingdom succeeding Medo-Persia, represented in the image?
Besides the court, how many parts had this sanctuary?
12. Do Catholic authorities acknowledge that there is no command in the Bible, for the sanctification of Sunday?
What is God's final warning against false worship?
How did Christ, from the Old Testament Scriptures, prove the resurrection?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle