How was Esther brought up?


"He [Mordecai the Jew] brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter. . . . when her father and
mother were dead." Esther 2: 7.
NOTE - Mordecai was a man who feared and served God, as is shown by his wise and courageous
counsel to Esther, and by his own righteous conduct when the lives of both were at stake in their efforts to
save the people of God from destruction while in captivity in Medo-Persia. He undoubtedly taught Esther
from childhood to fear and serve God. Otherwise she would not have met the crisis with such fearless
courage and such confidence in God.

Upon what basis is justification granted?
What is said of those who read, hear, and keep the things contained in this book?
When did this long period expire?
Where was the law of God written under the old covenant?
What question does Job ask and answer?
What will be the first plague, and upon whom will it fall?
At this time what event is imminent?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle