How was Joseph regarded by his father?


"Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age." Gen. 37: 3.
NOTE - The wonderful record of Joseph's life, found in Genesis 37-50, shows that he lived
intimately with his father till he was seventeen years of age. He must have been carefully taught of God,
also, for in all his marvellous experience as slave, prisoner, and premier of Egypt, he remained true to his
heavenly Father, not a single sin being recorded of him to the day of his death.

In the experience of sanctification, what attitude must one assume toward the truth?
Whose sovereignty is thus challenged?
Who gives this rest from sin?
33. In view of the fact that we do not know the exact time of Christ's coming, what important admonition has He given us?
For what purpose was the Revelation given?
While in this condition, how much does one know about those he has left behind?
What work constitutes the fast most acceptable to God?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle