In tempting Christ, what ownership did Satan claim?


"And the devil, taking Him up into an high mountain, showed unto Him all the kingdoms of the world in a
moment of time. And the devil said unto Him, All this power will I give Thee, and the glory of them: for
that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it." Luke 4: 5, 6.

With what comparison did He illustrate the subject?
What other experience is associated with conversion?
What were these gifts that Christ gave to men?
After creating Adam and Eve, what did God say to them?
What did Daniel say the king had seen in his dream?
What did Babylon give to the nations to drink?
5. What, in the parable, did God say to the rich man who thought to build larger barns in which to store his goods?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle