In view of this fact, what does Christ tell us to do?


"Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come." Verse 42.
NOTE - 'In the Scriptures, the constant note the continually recurring exhortation, is to be
prepared for the Lord's coming." (Dean Alford.) "The proper attitude of a Christian is to be always looking
for his Lord's return."-D. L. Moody.

What question did the performing of these miracles lead many to ask?
How did death enter the world?
How early was this sacrificial system known?
By what three distinct acts, then, was the Sabbath made?
What are the objects of the Lord's Day Alliance of the United States?
3. According to the prophecy, how long was the power represented by the little horn, or papal Rome, to persecute the saints?
Before Gentiles become Israelites, in what condition are they?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle