In what one promise are all these promises summed up?
'He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son." Rev. 21: 7.
NOTE - Here are the exceeding great and precious promises to the overcomer, eight in number.
They embrace everything-eternal life, health, happiness, and an everlasting home. What more could be
IN heaven there will he no parting, no pain to bear; No care-worn brow, no sigh, no silvery hair;
No death to snatch our loved ones from our side, No angry waves, no sea, no treacherous tide. In heaven
there'll be no thirst, no cry for bread; No soul who knows not where to lay his head; No one to feel the
winter's chilling blast, For there the piercing storms will all be past. In heaven there'll be no toil without
repay; No building for a brief, ephemeral day; For all the joys that prophets old have told 'Twill take the
endless ages to unfold.
In heaven there'll be no weary pilgrim band; No seekers for a better, fairer land; For all who reach
that blissful, happy shore Will never cry nor sigh, nor wish for more.
Will sin and its evil results ever appear again?
After receiving a knowledge of the truth, what must one do in order to be sanctified by it?
Is there to be a special message for the last days?
6. Under the influence of her tender care and faithful instruction, what is said of the child life of Jesus?
Under the theocracy, how were the rebellious or willful transgressors treated ?
6. What occurred at the time of the crucifixion which indicated that the typical system had been taken away by Christ?
Who witnessed the laying of the foundations of the earth?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle