In what was shown the first tangible evidence of this "falling away" from the truth of God?
The adoption of heathen rites and customs in the church.
NOTE-"The bishops augmented the number of religious rites in the Christian worship, by way of
accommodation to the infirmities and prejudices, both of Jews and heathen, in order to facilitate their
conversion to Christianity. . . . For this purpose, they gave the name of mysteries to the institutions of the
gospel, and decorated particularly the holy sacrament with that solemn title. They used in that sacred
institution, as also in that of baptism, several of the terms employed in the heathen mysteries, and
proceeded so far, at length, as even to adopt some of the rites and of the ceremonies of which those
renowned mysteries consisted."-Mosheim's "Ecclesiastical History" (Maclaine's translation), cent. 2, part 2,
chap. 4, pars. 2-5.
9. In what words to Peter did Jesus indicate the kind of service a converted person should render to his brethren?
What assurance was given to Daniel concerning the period of time mentioned in verse 14?
Where are the Ten Commandments recorded?
Against what deceptions did Christ then warn us?
In what words will their triumph over death and the grave be expressed?
Is there danger of believers losing their hold on Christ?
What will the saints do in the new earth?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle