In what words does Christ recognize marriage as of God?
"Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man
put asunder!' Matt. 19: 6.
NOTE - Thus was the marriage institution ordained of God in Eden, before man sinned. Like the
Sabbath, it has come down to us with the Edenic dews of divine blessing still upon it. It was ordained not
only for the purpose of peopling the earth and perpetuating the race, but to promote social order and human
happiness; to prevent irregular affection; and, through well-regulated families, to transmit truth, purity, and
holiness from age to age. Around it cluster all the purest and truest joys of home and the race. When the
divine origin of marriage is recognized, and the divine principles controlling it are obeyed, marriage is
indeed a blessing; but when these are disregarded, untold evils are sure to follow. That which, rightly used,
is of greatest blessing, when abused becomes the greatest curse.
Where again in the Psalms is His resurrection foretold?
What is the only way sinners may he justified, or made righteous?
What does the imputed righteousness of Christ enable God to do, and still be just?
To whom will the gates of the heavenly city finally be opened?
What precious promise did Jesus make to His disciples shortly before His crucifixion?
How many lawgivers are there?
5. Does the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, or tenth commandment indicate the author of the Decalogue?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle