Is any of this kind of work to be done on the Sabbath?


"In it thou shall not do any work." Verse 10.
NOTE - If the Sabbath is to be kept "holy," mere physical rest one day in seven cannot be the great object
of the Sabbath institution.

In what language did Isaiah foretell Christ's birth?
What advice was given to Timothy while preparing for the gospel ministry?
What was the result of this great miracle?
Is there a limit to the strivings of God's Spirit?
12. What prohibition did God give His chosen people against intermarrying with the heathen nations about them, and why?
1. What statement did Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, make to his wise men whom he had assembled?
To what length will this effort to enforce the worship of the image of the beast be carried?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle