Is there any evidence that such an image will be made?
Large and influential organizations, such as the National Reform Association, the International Reform
Bureau, the Lord's Day Alliance of the United States, and the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in
America, have been formed, by professed Protestants, and for years have been persistently working to that
end. Many Roman Catholic societies recently formed in the United States, such as the Knights of
Columbus and the American Federation of Catholic Societies, are looking to a like end-that of making
America Catholic.
To what extent has Christ suffered for sinners?
What reply did the Lord immediately make?
Why. should fathers not provoke their children to anger?
What portion of this period was to reach to Christ, the Messiah, or Anointed One?
How many will receive a reward when Christ comes?
What change is made in Satan's condition at the close of the one thousand years?
What does the Apostle Peter say concerning the trials through which every believer must pass?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle