Notwithstanding the lamb like appearance of this power, what is it ultimately to do?
"And he spoke as a dragon." Rev. 13: 11.
NOTE - The voice of the dragon is the voice of intolerance and persecution. This indicates that
the ecclesiastical development dealt with in this prophecy, obtaining a foothold for its initial power and
influence in the government of the United States, will repudiate the mild and lamb like principles of civil
and religious liberty, and become like the beast before it, a world-wide persecuting power. This is why in
Rev. 19: 20 it is called "the false prophet." Born of the Reformation, it will repudiate Reformation
What specific instance is mentioned by Peter?
How many were embraced in God's promises to Abraham?
Through whom are repentance and forgiveness granted?
Why was double manna given on the sixth day?
7. What questions asked by its worshippers indicate the great station to which this beast-power was to attain?
What is the character of this new power?
Does Jesus sympathize with us in our afflictions?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle