Of what was the, blood of all the sacrifices of the former dispensation only a type?


"Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place,
having obtained eternal redemption for us.'' Heb. 9: 12. See Eph. 5: 2.
NOTE - Through the sacrifices and offerings brought to the altar of the earthly sanctuary, the
penitent believer was to lay hold of the merits of Christ, the Savior to come. In this way, and in this way
only, was there any virtue connected with them.

Were the gifts of the Spirit to continue forever?
What was given into the hands of the power represented by the little horn?
Who is brought before the Father at this time?
18. Knowing that the unbelieving Jews would still cling to their false ideas respecting the Sabbath, pray?
Against what deceptions did Christ then warn us?
How does God regard one who abandons his faith?
To whom has God given the earth?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle